Veria Natural Wellness
Veria is a natural health and wellness company owned by Asia TV USA. The name Veria is taken from the Latin word Veritas, which means "truth".
Veria TV
Veria TV is a television network of natural wellness lifestyle programming, available on channel 218 on Comcast, and channel 162 on Verizon FiOS.
- Backyard Boomers – hosted by George Phillips and Carolyn McCormick
- Bedside Manor – hosted by Dr. Howard Goldberg, Dr. Keith DeOrio and Dr. Steven Rosenblatt
- Everybody Nose – hosted by Noelle Katai
- Feng Shui Living – hosted by Bree Pavey
- Naturally Delicious – hosted by Ann Gentry
- Pilates: from the Inside Out – hosted by Karon Karter
- Simply Beautiful – hosted by Roni Proter[1]
- The Art of Living Gallery – hosted by Bob Reed
- The Genesis of Healing – hosted by Alastair Greener
- The Incurables – hosted by Don Wildman
- The Sweet Truth – hosted by Kelly Keough
- Under the Sun – hosted by Nathan Leroy
- What a Relief! – hosted by Amanda McQuade Crawford
- What Happens Next – hosted by Dr. Keller Wortham
- What's the Alternative? – hosted by Portland Helmich
- Wise Up! – hosted by Andrea Beaman
- Yoga for Life – hosted by Kurt Johnsen
Wellness Centers
Veria Wellness Centers offered wellness spa services, yoga and other classes, and natural products. Veria Wellness Centers were located in Arlington and Plano, Texas; Bethesda, Maryland; and Chicago, Illinois.
All the wellness centers have closed down in the First week of February 2009 except the Bethesda one, which was closed later in February.
External links